Photo Gallery: Mushrooms(Fungi), Plants(Plantae), Mammals(Mammalia), Birds(Aves), Reptiles(Reptilia), Snakes(Serpentes), Amphibians, Fishes(Pisces), Butterflies(Lepidoptera), Flies(Diptera), Beetles(Coleoptera), Lacewings(Neuroptera), Grasshoppers(Orthoptera), Dragonflies(Odonata), Other Animals,
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Gloeophyllum sepiarium Trámovka plotní plotová Niszczyca płotowa Fyrre-korkhat Sivorjava tramovka Заборный гриб Geelbruine plaatjeshoutzwam Zaunblättling Rusty gilled polypore Conifer Mazegill Aidaskääpä Gloeophylle haies Cifra lemezestapló Vedmusling Vedmussling Заборный гриб

Gloeophyllum sepiarium aj0653

CZ: Trámovka plotní PL: Niszczyca płotowa DK: Fyrre-korkhat SI: Sivorjava tramovka RU: Заборный гриб SK: Trámovka plotová

Gloeophyllum_sepiarium_jf9788 Gloeophyllum_sepiarium_jf9727 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1883 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1880 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1874 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1868 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1867 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1866 Gloeophyllum sepiarium bf1863 Gloeophyllum_sepiarium_aj4719 Gloeophyllum_sepiarium_aj0658

List of Aphyllophorales
Preview of Aphyllophorales

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Photo Gallery: Mushrooms(Fungi), Plants(Plantae), Mammals(Mammalia), Birds(Aves), Reptiles(Reptilia), Snakes(Serpentes), Amphibians, Fishes(Pisces), Butterflies(Lepidoptera), Flies(Diptera), Beetles(Coleoptera), Lacewings(Neuroptera), Grasshoppers(Orthoptera), Dragonflies(Odonata), Other Animals,
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